Statistical Models 2019
Some usefull references:
- Alvin C. Rencher, G. Bruce Schaalje - Linear Models in Statistics (2008)
- Notes of Rogelio Ramos Quiroga (2011)
Many of the examples were given to me by
Rogelio Ramos Quiroga
, in many of them I extended explanation and analysis.
I have tried to keep the original references inside code.
- February 15
- March 1
- April 5 & 12
- May 10
- Logistic Regression (Coronary)
- Logistic Regression (British Crime) Many Datasets for Machine Learning can be found at the UCI repository
- Digits Train Dataset
- Digits Test Dataset
- Regularized Logistic Regression (Digits)
- Regularized Logistic Regression (Digits)
- May 17